South Wales Guardian - Memorials

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Notice Type:
In Memoriam

Andrea Evans

EVANS Andrea Precious Birthday Memories on July 20th, on your 50th Birthday. Our hearts break as…
Published on 19/07/2023
In Memoriam

Kevin Lewis

LEWIS Kevin In memory of a loving son, Kevin Lewis. Mam, Dad, Sisters & all the family would like…
Published on 14/06/2023
In Memoriam

Ellis Mark

ELLIS Mark Barbara Tony Lyndon Ebru Jamie and Sophie thinking about Mark who would have been 50…
Published on 14/06/2023
In Memoriam

Glyn Evans

EVANS Glyn (Sweetheart) In loving memory of my wonderful and deeply loved husband. I hold you…
Published on 17/05/2023
In Memoriam

Rees Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee Rees Sending you Birthday wishes To a much loved SON and BROTHER on his 36th birthday…
Published on 10/05/2023
In Memoriam

Rees Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee Rees "S135" SHEP RACING 13-5-1987 16-5-2021 God saw you getting tired And a cure was…
Published on 10/05/2023
In Memoriam

Cliff Owen

OWEN Cliff Er côf annwyl am Cliff a fu farw 26fed Ebrill 2022. Byth mewn côf gan ei briod Linda…
Published on 26/04/2023
In Memoriam

David Dixon

Dixon David In loving memory of David Passed away 15th April 2022 One year since you left us and…
Published on 12/04/2023
In Memoriam

John Davies

Davies John Many the thoughts I give to you. As the long hours go by . Thinking of the things we…
Published on 11/01/2023
In Memoriam

Kevin Lewis

KEVIN LEWIS 14-1-2013 LOVING MEMORIES: They say that time will heal, but neither time nor reason…
Published on 11/01/2023
In Memoriam

Kevin Lewis

LEWIS Kevin Thinking of you Kev, as we always do. As another Christmas comes around without you.…
Published on 21/12/2022
In Memoriam

Terry Ward

Ward Terry In memory of my brother Terry Ward passed away 04/12/2021 Your presence I miss your…
Published on 30/11/2022