A CARMARTHENSHIRE care company has won a prestigious award for its work in preventing unnecessary hospital admissions.

Delta Wellbeing – which is a local authority trading company owned by Carmarthenshire County Council – provides assistive technology and proactive monitoring and support for older and vulnerable people to allow them to live more independently.

The company recently won the Best Initiative in Care Award at the Caring UK Awards.

The award was given for its 24-hour community response service and hospital-based Blue Army which works closely with Hywel Dda University Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council to support residents which will help them return home from hospital or to remain at home and avoid admission into hospital where it may be unnecessary for them.

The response service is registered with Care Inspectorate Wales – the first of its kind to do so – and provides domiciliary care for a short time until patients are re-able or long-term care providers have been arranged. This means that patients are able to return home from hospital earlier, allowing them to be back in a more familiar environment and freeing up beds that may be needed by other, ill patients.

The service also provides emergency social care support to families struggling to care for loved ones who are waiting for further assessments, increases in care provision or just need short-term additional support.

Clients are given assistive technology like lifelines which will provide access to Delta Wellbeing’s 24/7 monitoring centre, with the response team being immediately dispatched if there are any concerns, sudden deterioration or a crisis. All staff are fully trained in first aid and basic life support and can assist with personal care needs, meal preparation and administration of medication as well as supporting with grocery shopping and providing a sit in service at short notice.

Cllr Jane Tremlett, Carmarthenshire County Council cabinet member for health and social services, said: “Congratulations to Delta Wellbeing for winning this national award, I am absolutely delighted that the team have been recognised for all their hard work and commitment.

“Delta Wellbeing works closely with the health board and social services to support residents’ needs at home until reablement or a long-term package of care is in place, helping to precent unnecessary hospital admissions and importantly, making an enormous difference to the quality of life of residents across Carmarthenshire.

“A huge well done to everyone involved.”