AN Ammanford primary school has won a competition to create a meal inspired by their local area.

The competition – Bwydlen Ein Bro - was open to primary schools across Carmarthenshire and involved children making a meal inspired by their local area and using produce from their school gardens or local suppliers of ingredients to make their final dishes.

The winners of the competition were Ammanford’s Ysgol Bro Banw, and Llanelli’s Ysgol Llangennech.

Both schools were then invited to Wright’s Food Emporium in Llanarthne and were given the chance to prepare and serve their dishes for guests.

Cllr Ann Davies, the council’s cabinet member for rural affairs, community cohesion and planning policy, said: “It is important that we teach school children the importance of using local ingredients in their meals. Thank you to the partners and Wrights Food Emporium for supporting Bwydlen Ein Bro.

“Well done to all the children involved.”

The competition was led by the council in partnership with University of Wales Trinity St Davids and is supported by Cook 24, a gateway to food skills programme led by Coleg Sir Gâr and delivered by food industry professionals.